one of the groups of artists who participated in this concert was the "Queen without Freedie Mercury", and that made me wonder.....Freddie Mercury was one of the best singers ive ever heard in my whole life, he had such a wonderful and strong a voice and such a peculiar way of singing and performing, that i think he must be in the list of the best artists of the whole world, of all times.....i loved his songs and still today i love to listen to his songs.....
so, i this guy replaceable? i mean, what is the feeling of the ones listening to Freddies songs but sung by another person?
to be honest, i was listening to some of his songs, and i feel that the Queen without Freddie Mercury are no more the Queen.....i know that Paul Rodgers sings Freddies songs but its not the same cant be......he cant have the voice and the way of singing Freddie had.....nobody can......
so, i ask to me.....why people keep trying to replace whats not replaceable? if Queens fans enjoy their music and miss it, why not listen to the old songs sung by Freddie Mercury and not by another artist who maybe is taking away from those songs something very important?
im remembering Robbie Williams my favorite artist, whose voice and way of singing and performing nobody else can do better than him......i wouldnt enjoy to see one day somebody singing his songs and trying to imitate him....not at all :-(.....songs like "Angels", the best song of all times, nobody else can sing it the way Rob sings it, nobody......they can try it, but they really cant....
i think a real good artist who sings a real good song, creates something very unique that nobody else can imitate.....its a feeling, an emotion, its their soul they leave in that song......and nobody can take out that soul of a song.......
and im not talking only about artists, im talking about people in general......people whose lives are important for other people......if those people die one day, nobody can replace them.....we must get used to their absence, and remember them to keep them alive in our hearts......
but, well, its only my opinion.....and in a night when im not feeling very well, feeling those dark clouds in my heart.......thinking about thinking........thinking about people i love and i care about but who are not with me and will never be..........thinking about the unfair things life brings to us everydays.........thinking about my ill cat fighting against his illness and me trying to help him, but im not sure if im really helping him.....hes so old and his illness has no cure, am i being sellfish for trying to make him live a bit more?.........but who am i to decide what is the right time to let him go?.......i think hes not in pain, thats why im making everything, and i mean everything, to make him survive......because if he was in pain, i should have the courage to give i had years ago with my dogs..... :-(......but i dont want to remember this now, its too much broke my heart, and it keeps breaking everytime i think about it......
need to give the medecines to my cat and then i must go to bed......tomorrow ill feel better.....
funny, my cats name is Freddy :-)
goodnight to the stars