Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Congratulations Obama!

Obama is USAs new president and im very happy because first i trusted more in him than in McCain, and second because i believe he will make something better in USAs politics and all over the world :-)

i only hope that now that hes on "the top" wont forget the ones where he belonged a few hours ago...sadly in politics that happens most seems all ideals and dreams are lost when people get to "the top"...

but i believe something different and good will happen in our world :-)

congratulations Obama!!!

Obama victory speech here

Saturday, November 1, 2008

Happy Halloween

Here is my message to all people around the world who enjoy the Halloween:

yeah, have lots of fun and play as if you was a kid :-)

here in Portugal, only in these last years we started paying attention to Halloween, because its an anglo-saxonic i even bought cookies and a package of candies just in case some trick or treat kids knock at the door, but nobody appeared maybe because its sooo cold outside lol

well, im going now, bye byeeee and take care :-)