Very simple........Burslem Normals, a song that belongs to the new album from Robbie Williams, Rudebox, i think its one of the most beautiful songs Rob has already made....not only i love the lyrics but also the melody is wonderful and so touching.........this song kind of talks about good things that are gone, and with that people also are different now......we miss some good things we had in the past......and it seemed things were different at that time, or had a different meaning, the sun, the surf, all that meant so much to us, but now they are gone, and that makes us sad........
yeah its a beautiful song and that lyric "Goodbye to the normals" touched me so much that i decided to give that name to my new blog......sadly i deleted my old blog called "Maria do Mar World" and i feel really sorry if somebody is missing it.....but ive this blog now that ill try to make it as i was making the other one......
why i deleted it, may you ask? because i was stupid, i confess.....i was in one of those moments of our life where we feel we need to change something in our life to try to make it better, maybe.....i thought my blog was silly and that it didnt add anything in my life......dont know, it was a silly thing when i clicked that button that said "Delete this blog?".......i even tried to make another new blog where nobody could know who was writing it.........i never hide my name in my blogs or pages in internet and sometimes im afraid im opening too much my heart to people who know me and are my friends and read my blogs........if i show im happy they may feel happy for me........but if im feeling sad, they may feel sad for me......i dont like to know im spoiling my friends days with my i had that new blog but only for one day because i gave up of my idea.........
but, well, im back with this new blog and i hope people will understand my moods and not be influenciated by my bad moods sometimes :-) its so nice to have here a blog and write things that i need to talk about.......
and if you want to make any comment i will be very happy to know people are reading my page, but if you dont have the time nor the patience, i will understand :-)
bye for now and to whoever is reading this now, have a good night and sweet dreams, because its already too late, and hope your day tomorrow will be plenty of beautiful things :-)