Friday, March 30, 2007
Thought for today
«If at any time I begin to lose hope in myself, let me simply look inside my heart and see all the good actions I have ever performed, from the smallest to the grandest. When I see how much happiness I have given, I easily remember the purpose of my life.»

Thursday, March 29, 2007
Whats wrong? Whats right?
Whats wrong? whats right?
sometimes i feel so confused........why life is as it is? why things are as they are?
the point is: why the ones who are closer to us are the ones who hurt us the most? and also the ones we hurt the most? i always try to do my best but it seems sometimes what i make, what i say, isnt the correct thing........and when the others hurt us, it seems the pain is much bigger when those ones are people we love...........
so i ask, why? why things must be like that? is it fair?
this world is plenty of ways but not always i know the right afraid that often i chose the wrong way, i make the wrong things...........yeah, i believe something isnt well.........but where?
im not feeling very well now and sadly cant talk with anybody........i feel confused and lost and sad................sometimes i feel i should have the courage to make day, people would ask for me but i would be gone...........and the world, this confused world, would keep going, but i would be no more here in the middle of this mess.............
and the funny is that i know im not feeling the correct thing..........i know im being ungrateful, because ive a great family who loves me, ive great friends, ive my lovely cats, ive a house, ive food, i live in a beautiful country where theres no why im feeling so miserable? is it fair that im feeling like this, although ive so many good things that so many people all over the world dont have? do i deserve those things? one day i will be punished because i had good things in my life but i havent deserved them, i know it............but i cant change what im feeling right now........
whats wrong with me?
what demon is this one inside my heart whos making me cry? whos making me feel so lost and unhappy? whos making me have doubts about everybody and everything? doubts about myself...........whos making me feel that this world isnt for me? or that im not for this world?
people should have a button that they could push and disappear for a while........and see how the world would be without them........and see if there were people who really loved them...........and see if the ones they loved would miss them...........sometimes im afraid that if i had that button and if i pushed it, i would realise this world would be much better without me, and even people i love would feel reliefed with my i right?
im going to bed......maybe tomorrow i will feel better............
sometimes i feel so confused........why life is as it is? why things are as they are?
the point is: why the ones who are closer to us are the ones who hurt us the most? and also the ones we hurt the most? i always try to do my best but it seems sometimes what i make, what i say, isnt the correct thing........and when the others hurt us, it seems the pain is much bigger when those ones are people we love...........
so i ask, why? why things must be like that? is it fair?
this world is plenty of ways but not always i know the right afraid that often i chose the wrong way, i make the wrong things...........yeah, i believe something isnt well.........but where?
im not feeling very well now and sadly cant talk with anybody........i feel confused and lost and sad................sometimes i feel i should have the courage to make day, people would ask for me but i would be gone...........and the world, this confused world, would keep going, but i would be no more here in the middle of this mess.............
and the funny is that i know im not feeling the correct thing..........i know im being ungrateful, because ive a great family who loves me, ive great friends, ive my lovely cats, ive a house, ive food, i live in a beautiful country where theres no why im feeling so miserable? is it fair that im feeling like this, although ive so many good things that so many people all over the world dont have? do i deserve those things? one day i will be punished because i had good things in my life but i havent deserved them, i know it............but i cant change what im feeling right now........
whats wrong with me?
what demon is this one inside my heart whos making me cry? whos making me feel so lost and unhappy? whos making me have doubts about everybody and everything? doubts about myself...........whos making me feel that this world isnt for me? or that im not for this world?
people should have a button that they could push and disappear for a while........and see how the world would be without them........and see if there were people who really loved them...........and see if the ones they loved would miss them...........sometimes im afraid that if i had that button and if i pushed it, i would realise this world would be much better without me, and even people i love would feel reliefed with my i right?
im going to bed......maybe tomorrow i will feel better............
Wednesday, March 28, 2007
Find the letters
I posted this game once in my other blog, the one ive deleted, and its a very cool game, so im going to post it here again :-)
Can you find the C?

Once you've found the C
Find the 1

Once you found the 1..............
Find the 6

once you've found the 6...
Find the N (it's hard!!)

once you've found the N...
Find the Q...

Can you find the C?
Once you've found the C
Find the 1
Once you found the 1..............
Find the 6
once you've found the 6...
Find the N (it's hard!!)
once you've found the N...
Find the Q...
Sunday, March 25, 2007
My orange dream
I was in the garden of my old house, the house where i was born and where i lived maybe 30 years or more, cant that house i had very bad moments but i also had very good moments.......cant get rid of that house, especially in my dreams.........well, as i said, i was in the garden......i remember that garden had lots of trees, orange trees, lemon trees, prune trees, and other trees i didnt know the was a huge garden, and when we are young, the size of things gets much bigger.........maybe if i now came back again to that garden i would realise its not that big............well, i was in the garden and i noticed one of the orange trees had a beautiful orange, and i was very happy because i knew that tree would give more oranges like that.........the orange was still a bit green but it was already very nice.........but sadly, i noticed all the branches of that tree were cut......not only that tree didnt have any more oranges but also didnt have any leaf and it looked very sad.........i asked one of my sisters why the tree was all cut and she answered: "you know very well our dad doesnt want us to eat our oranges.........."
not only i was amazed with the answer of my sister but also how she seemed to accept that so well.........
it was only a dream i had this night, but really cant understand its meaning :-/
not only i was amazed with the answer of my sister but also how she seemed to accept that so well.........
it was only a dream i had this night, but really cant understand its meaning :-/
Saturday, March 24, 2007
The Interview With God
Believing or not in God, this little film with so beautiful images, says so many true things and its a great lesson, so i thought i should post it here :-)
please click on the image to watch it

I dreamed I had an interview with God.
“So you would like to interview me?” God asked.
“If you have the time” I said.
God smiled. “My time is eternity.”
“What questions do you have in mind for me?”
“What surprises you most about humankind?”
God answered...
“That they get bored with childhood,
they rush to grow up, and then
long to be children again.”
“That they lose their health to make money...
and then lose their money to restore their health.”
“That by thinking anxiously about the future,
they forget the present,
such that they live in neither
the present nor the future.”
"That they live as if they will never die,
and die as though they had never lived.”
God’s hand took mine
and we were silent for a while.
And then I asked...
“As a parent, what are some of life’s lessons
you want your children to learn?”
“To learn they cannot make anyone
love them. All they can do
is let themselves be loved.”
“To learn that it is not good
to compare themselves to others.”
“To learn to forgive
by practicing forgiveness.”
“To learn that it only takes a few seconds
to open profound wounds in those they love,
and it can take many years to heal them.”
“To learn that a rich person
is not one who has the most,
but is one who needs the least.”
“To learn that there are people
who love them dearly,
but simply have not yet learned
how to express or show their feelings.”
“To learn that two people can
look at the same thing
and see it differently.”
“To learn that it is not enough that they
forgive one another, but they must also forgive themselves.”
"Thank you for your time," I said humbly.
"Is there anything else
you would like your children to know?"
God smiled and said,
“Just know that I am here... always.”
-author unknown
please click on the image to watch it
I dreamed I had an interview with God.
“So you would like to interview me?” God asked.
“If you have the time” I said.
God smiled. “My time is eternity.”
“What questions do you have in mind for me?”
“What surprises you most about humankind?”
God answered...
“That they get bored with childhood,
they rush to grow up, and then
long to be children again.”
“That they lose their health to make money...
and then lose their money to restore their health.”
“That by thinking anxiously about the future,
they forget the present,
such that they live in neither
the present nor the future.”
"That they live as if they will never die,
and die as though they had never lived.”
God’s hand took mine
and we were silent for a while.
And then I asked...
“As a parent, what are some of life’s lessons
you want your children to learn?”
“To learn they cannot make anyone
love them. All they can do
is let themselves be loved.”
“To learn that it is not good
to compare themselves to others.”
“To learn to forgive
by practicing forgiveness.”
“To learn that it only takes a few seconds
to open profound wounds in those they love,
and it can take many years to heal them.”
“To learn that a rich person
is not one who has the most,
but is one who needs the least.”
“To learn that there are people
who love them dearly,
but simply have not yet learned
how to express or show their feelings.”
“To learn that two people can
look at the same thing
and see it differently.”
“To learn that it is not enough that they
forgive one another, but they must also forgive themselves.”
"Thank you for your time," I said humbly.
"Is there anything else
you would like your children to know?"
God smiled and said,
“Just know that I am here... always.”
-author unknown
My teddy bear
When I'm feeling lonely and sad
I know you are there for me
I can hold you tight in my arms
And close my eyes
And pretend I'm no more alone
You don't talk
You don't move
You even don't hug back
I know it
But I also know
You are there for me
When I look outside
And everything is black and white
(Who has stolen my colours?)
When my heart is broken
And I try not to think
And I try not to feel
When I need to cry
But nobody is there
To clean my tears
I know you are there for me

I know you are there for me
I can hold you tight in my arms
And close my eyes
And pretend I'm no more alone
You don't talk
You don't move
You even don't hug back
I know it
But I also know
You are there for me
When I look outside
And everything is black and white
(Who has stolen my colours?)
When my heart is broken
And I try not to think
And I try not to feel
When I need to cry
But nobody is there
To clean my tears
I know you are there for me
Friday, March 16, 2007
Be who you are and say what you feel...
Because those who mind don't matter
And those who matter won't mind...
Because those who mind don't matter
And those who matter won't mind...
Wednesday, March 14, 2007
"A great man will take up the sword for his country. A greater man will lay it down for humanity."

Monday, March 12, 2007
I said once that one of the worst feelings is to be rejected........and thats so true.........specially when you started being rejected when you are only a kid............
you are as you are, you are weak, you get scared to death when your dad yells at you, your sisters are strong and clever, they understand what your dad teaches to them, they make what he wants, they have good results in their tests, but you cant do that, you dont understand some things he tries to explain to you, you are afraid when you are in the beach and he obliges you to go to a deep place to take bath, you even are afraid of eating, it seems your stomach cant have food inside it and you throw everything away, even when you dont have anything to throw away............
you dont want to study, you dont want to eat, you dont want to go to the beach, and your dad always yelling at you, making you feel worse than a worm..........
and one day your dad gives up of you, now he wont care anymore about live in the same home but you dont belong to the family...............
your nan takes you to a teacher to try to make you learn something, but when you arrive at home, you hear your dad talking with your sisters and your mum, moaning about you and about how stupid and unusefull you are........and you feel you need a hole in the floor to hide there forever.......
you are in the beach playing all by yourself because your dad and your mum went walking with your sisters but you cant go with them because you are being punished..........and when they arrive, so many stories they have to tell, so many cool things they found in the beach..........but you are far away listening to them while you try to keep playing in your own world you had created only for you.........
because you dont belong to their world.........
you have no right to.........
at school you only pass classes because your nan is friend of the have no friends at school..........and during classes your mates laugh at you, make jokes about you.....and you always finish the classes crying in a corner.........
and you are only a kid.............
not nice to be rejected i must say it.............
and you grow up and things doesnt seems you are not welcome in this try sometimes to get things a bit different, but its not possible because of this or because of that........its funny how theres always a reason why things cant be as you wish...........
but maybe its only your fault because you dont deserve it, so why keep trying it? why you dont accept your life as it is and you dont give up of trying to enter worlds where you dont belong? its so sad to be rejected but maybe its your fate...........
and you are not brave enough to one day climb a table and shout with all ur lungs: "thats ENOUGH! if you keep rejecting me that means you dont love me nor you need me, so go away!"........
but you wont do that lol you are not brave are scared of losing the ones you love, even if you know they dont love you the way you love prefer to live all your life in that stupid expectation of being accepted by the others........accepted by what you are with all your weaknesses...............
but maybe at the end you will realise that some people are only with you because they feel pity of you..........because the truth is that they dont love you anymore, they are fed up of you, and maybe they never have loved you before...............
life is so funny, isnt it?
you are as you are, you are weak, you get scared to death when your dad yells at you, your sisters are strong and clever, they understand what your dad teaches to them, they make what he wants, they have good results in their tests, but you cant do that, you dont understand some things he tries to explain to you, you are afraid when you are in the beach and he obliges you to go to a deep place to take bath, you even are afraid of eating, it seems your stomach cant have food inside it and you throw everything away, even when you dont have anything to throw away............
you dont want to study, you dont want to eat, you dont want to go to the beach, and your dad always yelling at you, making you feel worse than a worm..........
and one day your dad gives up of you, now he wont care anymore about live in the same home but you dont belong to the family...............
your nan takes you to a teacher to try to make you learn something, but when you arrive at home, you hear your dad talking with your sisters and your mum, moaning about you and about how stupid and unusefull you are........and you feel you need a hole in the floor to hide there forever.......
you are in the beach playing all by yourself because your dad and your mum went walking with your sisters but you cant go with them because you are being punished..........and when they arrive, so many stories they have to tell, so many cool things they found in the beach..........but you are far away listening to them while you try to keep playing in your own world you had created only for you.........
because you dont belong to their world.........
you have no right to.........
at school you only pass classes because your nan is friend of the have no friends at school..........and during classes your mates laugh at you, make jokes about you.....and you always finish the classes crying in a corner.........
and you are only a kid.............
not nice to be rejected i must say it.............
and you grow up and things doesnt seems you are not welcome in this try sometimes to get things a bit different, but its not possible because of this or because of that........its funny how theres always a reason why things cant be as you wish...........
but maybe its only your fault because you dont deserve it, so why keep trying it? why you dont accept your life as it is and you dont give up of trying to enter worlds where you dont belong? its so sad to be rejected but maybe its your fate...........
and you are not brave enough to one day climb a table and shout with all ur lungs: "thats ENOUGH! if you keep rejecting me that means you dont love me nor you need me, so go away!"........
but you wont do that lol you are not brave are scared of losing the ones you love, even if you know they dont love you the way you love prefer to live all your life in that stupid expectation of being accepted by the others........accepted by what you are with all your weaknesses...............
but maybe at the end you will realise that some people are only with you because they feel pity of you..........because the truth is that they dont love you anymore, they are fed up of you, and maybe they never have loved you before...............
life is so funny, isnt it?
Saturday, March 10, 2007
Some strange days
Some strange days
Sometimes everything seems to be fine
But suddenly something happens
And we feel so uncomfortable
As if we were wearing very tight shoes
Or as if we were waiting hours for the wrong bus
We feel insecure
We feel scared
We feel that maybe our place isn´t in this world
The sky is plenty of stars
But there's a star missing
We feel it
Even that song we love so much
Doesn't sound well now
What's happening?
Which part of our heart is being taken away?
Why we must accept things that are hurting us?
Why we must smile when we are crying inside?
We know there's something missing
And we must accept it
Maybe next time
Maybe next life
Time passing by, so lazy
So indifferent to this emptiness
And we look outside the window
And it's raining so much
And we say: What a beautiful sun!
Lying to ourselves
To believe in the impossible
To believe in things we know we will never have
To believe in a day we know it will never come
So dark outside...
Or it's only so dark inside?
Some strange days

Sometimes everything seems to be fine
But suddenly something happens
And we feel so uncomfortable
As if we were wearing very tight shoes
Or as if we were waiting hours for the wrong bus
We feel insecure
We feel scared
We feel that maybe our place isn´t in this world
The sky is plenty of stars
But there's a star missing
We feel it
Even that song we love so much
Doesn't sound well now
What's happening?
Which part of our heart is being taken away?
Why we must accept things that are hurting us?
Why we must smile when we are crying inside?
We know there's something missing
And we must accept it
Maybe next time
Maybe next life
Time passing by, so lazy
So indifferent to this emptiness
And we look outside the window
And it's raining so much
And we say: What a beautiful sun!
Lying to ourselves
To believe in the impossible
To believe in things we know we will never have
To believe in a day we know it will never come
So dark outside...
Or it's only so dark inside?
Some strange days
Friday, March 2, 2007
Yesterday is a memory,
tomorrow is a mystery
and today is a gift,
which is why it is called
the present.
What the caterpillar perceives is the end,
to the butterfly is just the beginning.
Everything that has a beginning
has an ending.
Make your peace with that
and all will be well.

tomorrow is a mystery
and today is a gift,
which is why it is called
the present.
What the caterpillar perceives is the end,
to the butterfly is just the beginning.
Everything that has a beginning
has an ending.
Make your peace with that
and all will be well.
Thursday, March 1, 2007
Angels voices
Talking about angels voices, here are two more wonderful videos, where children sing touching songs in such a touching way.........sometimes we must stop a bit and listen to these angels voices :-)
The Choirboys (Tears In Heaven):
Joseph McManners (Bright Eyes):
thanks little angels......God bless you :-)
The Choirboys (Tears In Heaven):
Joseph McManners (Bright Eyes):
thanks little angels......God bless you :-)
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