I was in the garden of my old house, the house where i was born and where i lived maybe 30 years or more, cant remember.........in that house i had very bad moments but i also had very good moments.......cant get rid of that house, especially in my dreams.........well, as i said, i was in the garden......i remember that garden had lots of trees, orange trees, lemon trees, prune trees, and other trees i didnt know the name............it was a huge garden, and when we are young, the size of things gets much bigger.........maybe if i now came back again to that garden i would realise its not that big............well, i was in the garden and i noticed one of the orange trees had a beautiful orange, and i was very happy because i knew that tree would give more oranges like that.........the orange was still a bit green but it was already very nice.........but sadly, i noticed all the branches of that tree were cut......not only that tree didnt have any more oranges but also didnt have any leaf and it looked very sad.........i asked one of my sisters why the tree was all cut and she answered: "you know very well our dad doesnt want us to eat our oranges.........."
not only i was amazed with the answer of my sister but also how she seemed to accept that so well.........
it was only a dream i had this night, but really cant understand its meaning :-/
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