World in dark (Blackout). In the 29th February of 2008 from 7:55pm to 8:00pm Lisbon, Greenwich - Hour, is proposed to turn of all lights and if possible all electric equipments, to our planet 'breath'.
If we make an massive answer to this request, the power saves can be brutal!!!
Only five minutes, to see what happens.
Yes, we'll be 5 minuts in the dark, we can turn light a candle and simply just stay watching it. It's five minutes that our planet and us will be breathing.
Remember, the union makes the force and the Internet can have a lot of power and using it like now we can make something BIG and GREAT to the environment and mankind.
Pass the new, and if you have friends all over the world send them this mail and ask them to make the translation to their language and adapt the hour of your and they're country to the Lisbon Greenwich time.
Thank You and once in life let's make someting great for our planet!
Escuridão mundial: No dia 29 de Fevereiro de 2008 das 19:55 às 20:00 horas propõe-se apagar todas as luzes e se possível todos os aparelhos eléctricos, para o nosso planeta poder 'respirar'. Se a resposta for massiva, a poupança energética pode ser brutal. Só 5 minutos, para ver o que acontece. Sim, estaremos 5 minutos às escuras, podemos acender uma vela e simplesmente ficar a olhar para ela, estaremos a respirar nós e o planeta. Lembrem-se que a união faz a força e a Internet pode ter muito poder e podemos mesmo fazer algo em grande. Passa a notícia, se tiveres amigos a viver noutros países envia-lhes e pede-lhes que façam a tradução e adaptem as horas.»
This is my message for today :-)
Is it possible?
Lets try it!