not feeling very well hurts my head, i think i got a cold, i feel cold inside me
and the funny is that i need to cry but i cant, dont know whats happening...maybe ive already wasted all my tears lol
i know i shouldnt feel like this, ive so many great things and people in my life, but sadly this bloody 14 February always makes me feel like this...
why it cant be a day like the others?
if people really love somebody why do they need this day to show their love? dont they have every days to make that?
and when people have nobody who loves them, its a bit cruel for them to turn on the television and watch all those silly Valentines adverts, or go outside and see the shops plenty of stupid bears with red hearts in their arms, or see people buying lots of cards and flowers, and you look at you and theres no flowers in your hands, theres not a simple card, theres not a kiss, theres not a hug, theres no love in your life, and you feel you want to disappear because your life is a shit
and your head is hurting so much and you are so fed up of this day
and its still so early, its only 3 in the afternoon, and theres still a long day in front of you, and you waiting for nothing
and you waiting for nobody...
oh well...
my cats are needing me, i think they are hungry....i will feed them and will show to them all my love
they deserve it, they love me so unconditionally
its sun outside, maybe i wont feel so cold now
happy Valentines to the ones who know whats that...
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