Today, 13 February is Robbie Williams 33rd birthday, and im sending lots of messages for him wishing a wonderful day and a wonderful life, but i ask to me: will Rob read at least one of my messages? so many fans posting messages for him in lots of sites, but the truth is that maybe Rob will never read this fair? i somebody who is so famous and who has such a busy life, how somebody like that can have time, or patience, to jump in the confused world of internet and read all messages, or at least some, that his fans write to him? of course people can dream and think "well maybe he will read them", so they (we) keep posting messages for Rob :-)
we cant blame him if he wont read them, but it seems a bit unfair that somebody who is so important to so many peoples lives, somebody who means so much to so many people all over the world, somebody who changes moods and habits with his songs and lyrics, why his fans, and im talking about the good fans and not the stalkers, why all those fans dont have the right to deserve a little corner in his heart and a little bit of his attention?
its not fair but its completely understandable, because life is like that.........but as hope is last thing to die, here is once again the little work i made for Robs birthday :-)
happy birthday Rob!!! XXXXXXXX
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