i remembered to talk about her in Childrens Day because since she was very young she loved children and she read lots of books about education and she always cared about childrens problems........and she had a dream and fought for it, and a few years ago she made her dream come true, creating an association dedicated to children in need, who live in very difficult situations in their families................thanks God she found a few people who helped her in her dream and till today they have already helped many kids and have given many good moments to lots of kids who, without them, would have a very sad and dark life..........
that association is called Meninos de Oiro that means Golden Children........in fact, for my sister, all children are more precious than gold and shes happy for being able to help them and to give to them all the love she has in her heart.........and i think thats so wonderful
she also loves photography........since very young i always remember her taking a camera to wherever she goes, taking pictures to everything, specially to children........and her pictures are so special, maybe because she puts in the images the beautiful heart she has
i admire her and im also very grateful to her because in a very difficult moment of my childhood, she was the only person who was able to give me her hand, although she was only a little kid like me..............i will never forget that............my dad forcing me to eat and i didnt want, i cried, i vomited, every days it was the same thing, nobody knew what to do, and my sister, still a kid, told my dad "i will take care of her for now on"........and she did..........the meals that were a nightmare to me, became nice moments because my sister was there looking after me, she didnt oblige me to eat, she was patient with me, and i was no more scared........silly adults didnt find the solution that was so simple that only a child found it..............
my sister and me (4 and 3 years old)
so, im grateful to her, for this, for one day that i was going to cross a street and a car was very near and i didnt see it, and it was her who saved me for being caught by the car.........im grateful for one day when i was at home eating a candy and suddenly i couldnt breath and i didnt know what to do, and it was my sister again who saved me from dying suffocated by the candy............im grateful for every moment she has helped me with her advices and with her understanding when i feel sad or lost, for every moment she forgives me for my weaknesses...........
i made one day a little film dedicated to her.....i called it An Angel...........and the images there are pictures that were taken by her...............i put the video in YouTube and then i showed to her and she loved it :-).........but i know thats not enough, she deserves more, because she has always been kind of a guardian angel to me and i feel happy for the day i decided to live with her and with my dear 12 years old nephew :-)
im going to put here the video that i made for her and before going now i want to wish to her all the happiness of the world and that all her dreams will come true..........God bless my sister and thanks again for everything :-)
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