its not nice to have arguements with the ones we love, but the closer we are to somebody, the more we hurt them and the more they hurt us..........i have already talked about this here once..........and ive said that this isnt Robbie Williams said in his lyrics of Spread Your Wings "Home is where the hurt is"...........that means that to love means to suffer............
happily, when people really love us, those bad moments pass quickly and all tears we have cried soon get is the disease but love is also the cure :-)
i was feeling today really miserable and sometimes i think i exagerated because there was no reason to feel the way i was feeling.........but in those moments the first memories that come to my head is those past moments when i was still a child and very often all my little world around me was against me and rejected me...........and i felt that nobody loved me and that i didnt belong to this world..........those ghosts never leave me in peace, i know it..........and they attack me when i feel more fragile :-(
sometimes i feel that life is a punishement.........everything wrong we make in the past we will pay for it sooner or later.......things we regret, things we know we shouldnt have never made, we know that we will be punished for them..........and when our life gets a bit difficult, we know, its our past errors that are still there, even if we dont want to.........
always the ghosts from the past, isnt it?
people are not perfect and are always making mistakes........some with not much importance, others really bad...........and we keep regreting them all our lives.........and once again i remember Robs lyrics in his wonderful song No Regrets "No regrets / they don't work / No regrets / they only hurt"
well, ive already talked a bit about what im feeling now............i think that the next time that i will read this post i will realise how silly and not logical are my words and my thoughts lol..........but maybe now im feeling a bit not sure..........
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