Friday, July 20, 2007


When i was in the World New 7 Wonders show, one of the artists invited to sing there was Alessandro Safina........till then, i havent heard much about him, so i was ignoring what was going to happen........only who was there can understand what i felt.......when he started to sing his wonderful song Luna in that beautiful stadium, the magnificent music coming from everywhere, it was like a dream, and in some bits, the highest moments of the song, the most touching, i confess i even felt a cold in my spine..........

its a very special song and its sung in a very special way.......and even being spoken in italian, i understand most things that are said there........italian is one of my favourite languages, it belongs to my 3 favourite languages (the portuguese, the english and the italian).........its such a sweet and romantic and beautiful language, i think :-)

and that song also talks about the moon, thats a planet i love, it has so much importance in my life, it gives us company in the night, it shows how in different places in the world so many people can be watching at the same time the same moon and how that connects those people who are so far away from one anothers...........

so i thought that song deserved a post here in my blog, and i will put here its lyrics both in italian and in english, and ill put two videos i found in YouTube, one its the original video and other one its a great video with wonderful images of the moon :-)

Alessandro Safina)

Only you can hear my soul
Only you can hear my soul

Luna tu
Quanti sono i canti che hai ascoltato gia
Desideri che attraverso i secoli
Han solcato il cielo per raggiungerti
Porto per poeti che non scrivono
E che il loro sennospesso perdono
Tu accogli i sospiri di chi spasima
E regali un sogno ad ogni anima
Luna che mi guardi adesso ascoltami

Only you can hear my soul

Luna tu
Che conosci il tempo delléternita
E il sentiero stretto della verita
Fa piu luce dentro questo Cuore mio
Questo cuore d’uomo che non sa, non sa

Che l’amore puo nascondere il dolore
Come un fuoco ti puo brucaire l’amima

Luna tu
Tu rischiari il cielo e la sua immensita
E ci mostri solo la meta che vuoi
Come poi facciama quasi sempre noi
Angeli di creta che non volano
Anime di carta che si incendiano
Couri come foglie che poi cadono
Sogni fatti d’aria che svaniscono
Figli della terra e figli tuoi che sai

Che l’amore puo nascondere il dolore
Come un fuoco ti puo brucaire l’amima
Che l’amore puo nascondere il dolore

Ma e con l’amore che respira il nostro cuore
E la forza che tutto muove e illumina

Only you can hear my soul

Alba lux, diva mea, diva es silentissima

English Translation

(Only you can hear my soul)

Oh Moon
how many songs you have listened
wishes that wandered the centuries
cutting the heavens to reach you
refuge for poets that never wrote
and all those thrown into lunacy
you invite the sights of lovers
and give a dream to all souls
moon, who guides me, listen now

(Only you can hear my soul)

Oh moon
who you know time and eternity
and the narrow walk of truth
send more light into this heart of mine
the heart of a man who doesn't know, oh doesn't know

that love can hide pain inside
like a fire that will destroy your soul

(Only you can hear my soul)

Oh moon
you light the heavens in their infinity
you show only what pleases you
just like we do every time
angels made of clay, inable to fly
souls made of paper, that will burn
wilted like leaves, that fall
dreams made of wind, that will fade
children of the earth, children of the moon, that know

that love can hide pain inside
like a fire that will destroy your soul

(Chorus sings latin: light of the dawn, my goddess, my so silent goddess)

but it's love our heart beats with
and love is the force that moves and illuminates everything

(Chorus sings latin: light of the dawn, my goddess, my so silent goddess)


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